Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework


ICF Agreement, Town and MD of Pincher Creek - March 2020

What is Intermunicipal Collaborative Framework (ICF) and why are we doing this?
Updated Legislation to Bill 21 – Modernized Municipal Government Act - requires communities that border one another to collaborate to maximize tax dollars and enhance services to their Residents by creating an intermunicipal collaborative frameworks or ICFs.
• Municipalities working together to ensure consistent optimal service to your greater Pincher Creek Community needs, versus the individual Municipality’s needs
• Maximize resources, minimize duplication, share best practices, to learn, grow and ensure continued services
• Obtain and value Public input
• Approach issues from a place of understanding and explore the possibilities of how the funding and implementation can be managed

July 22, 2020

On March 13, the Town and MD Councils signed and celebrated the newly formed Intermunicipal Collaborative Framework Agreement (ICF). A joint committee consisting of Town and MD councillors and staff started working on the ICF project in 2019 and met every two months to draft the agreement that has now been signed by both Councils. This project is a success for our region, and we’d like it to be celebrated by both Town and MD residents to reaffirm that we are all part of one community!

The purpose of the ICF agreement is to create the opportunity to better serve and provide quality of life to the residents of the MD of Pincher Creek and the Town of Pincher Creek through joint planning of specified land use, sharing of the operational costs of regional assets, and the offering of programs and services that have mutual benefits in the greater Pincher Creek region.
The following services are addressed in the agreement: transportation, water and wastewater, solid waste and recycling, emergency and protective services, and recreation facilities and services. The agreement also focuses on agriculture services and parks, third party services, Family and Community Support Services (FCSS), municipal administration services, joint funding, cemetery services, library services, groups, the Humane Society.

The agreement addresses services that can be shared and services that will continue to be provided independently by each municipality. Many of the items listed in the ICF agreement had previously been discussed on a case-by-case basis and had separate agreements. The ICF process has placed these agreements in one document and created a framework for future collaborations.
There are many successful examples in the agreement. One specific example is recreation facilities and services. The ICF committee explored recreation services and the value recreation facilities bring to the region. The consensus was that recreation contributes to the vitality of the community, enhances residents’ health, gives young people activities which contribute to skill development, and builds pride in the community. A recreation agreement has since been approved, and we are now moving forward with developing the Pincher Creek Recreation Master Plan as a collaborative community-wide project.

The ICF agreement also identifies potential future collaborations where the possibility of shared services would be mutually beneficial. Residents can view the agreement on the Town and MD websites. We expect there to be many opportunities for public engagement and for residents to help shape our region’s future.

The Town and MD Councils are proud to be building and supporting our community together! 

August 7, 2019 Community Update PDF HERE


June 20, 2019  Community Information and Feedback Session 

On June 20, 2019 the ICF committee hosted members of the community and asked for feedback through sticky notes.  This PDF HERE are the results of the feedback collected.  Feedback is still being collected and can be submitted using the form at the bottom of this page. 

June 21, 2019 Commitee Update 

Town of Pincher Creek

962 St. John Avenue, Pincher Creek, AB