
Municipal Elections

Municipal Elections are held on the third Monday of October every four years.   The next scheduled Municipal Election for the Town of Pincher Creek will be October 20, 2025.

Key Dates

Nomination period January 1 - September 22, 2025  
Nomination Day September 22, 2025 10:00am - 12:00pm
Advanced Voting TBD  
Election Day October 20, 2025 10:00am - 8:00pm

Forms must be filed by September 22, 2025 at 12:00 pm (noon) at the Pincher Creek Town Office. No monetary deposit is required to submit Nominiation Papers.

Candidate Information

The information within this section provides a brief introduction of the requirements for running for office in the Town of Pincher Creek.  Candidates are responsible for understanding all legislation concerning elections. Further information will be provided as it becomes available. 

This could be your chance to make a lasting impact in your Town. Ready to learn more? Explore what it takes to run for Council. Whether you're considering running for Mayor or Councillor, we encourage you to review the Candidate's Nomination Package, familiarize yourself with Council's roles and responsibilities, and explore meeting agendas and minutes to understand current issues and priorities.

Remember, running for office is a significant commitment, and being informed is key to making a positive impact. 

Town of Pincher Creek Guide for Prospective Candidates

This information package answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding election procedures and important facts that prospective candidates may want to be aware of including what to expect if elected.

Other important forms and information packages from the province

Form 4 - Nomination Paper and Candiate's Acceptance
Form 5 - Candidate Financial Information
A Candidate's Guide to Running for Office in Alberta
What every Councillor Needs to Know: A Council Member's Handbook

Available Council Positions

The Town of Pincher Creek Council consists of one (1) Mayor and six (6) Councillors, elected for a term of four (4) years.

Voter Information

Voter Elegibility

You are an eligible voter if you:
All voters must sign the voting register stating that they meet these qualifications before they will be given a ballot.
Note:  Landed immigrants and British subjects are not eligible to vote.

Voter identification requirements

In order to vote in the upcoming municipal elections, voters will be required to provide proof of their name and home address. The following types of verification meet the standard provincial requirement for one piece of identification.
  • Identification issued by a Canadian government, whether federal, provincial or local, or an agency of that government, that contains a photograph of the elector and their name and current address.
  • Proof of Identity and Ordinary Residence for Tenant Elector issued by the authorized representative of a commercial property management company.
  • Proof of Identity and Ordinary Residence for Homeless Elector issued by the authorized representative of a facility that provides services to the homeless.
  • Supportive Living Facility issued by the authorized representative of a supportive living facility or treatment centre.
  • Bank or credit card statement or personal cheque.
  • Correspondence issued by a school, college or university.
  • Government cheque or cheque stub.
  • Income or property tax assessment notice.
  • Insurance policy or coverage card.
  • Letter from a public curator, public guardian or public trustee.
  • Pension plan statement of benefits, contributions or participation.
  • Residential lease or mortgage statement.
  • Statement of government benefits (for example, employment insurance, old-age security, social assistance, disability support or child tax benefit).
  • Utility bill (for example, telephone, public utilities commission, television, hydro, gas or water).
  • Vehicle ownership, registration or insurance certificate.
If a voter’s identification shows a post office box number as the address instead of a residential or legal address, it can be accepted as verification of current address if it is in reasonable distance to the voting jurisdiction.

An elected authority could, by bylaw, require additional verification or a combination of verification to establish the person’s specific current address.

Other Resources

All Election information can be found at https://www.alberta.ca/municipal-elections

Form 16 - Statement of Scrutineer or Official Agent
Local Authorities Election Act
Council minutes and agendas
Alberta Municipal Affairs
Elected Officials Education Programs (EOEP)
Guidlines for the Installation of Election Signs

Town of Pincher Creek

962 St. John Avenue, Pincher Creek, AB