Pincher Creek Curling Rink

845 Main Street

This facility is complete with a meeting and lounge area. Although it is busy in the winter season with league play and bonspiels for all ages, the upstairs lounge area is available for community members in the off season.

Pincher Creek Curling Rink Features

For bookings and additional information, please contact:

Pincher Creek Curling Rink
Phone: (403) 627-4141

Pincher Creek Community Recreation and Events Centre

Memorandum of Understanding - June 24, 2024

At the May 8, 2023 Council Meeting the following four motions were passed: 

6.2      Petition to prevent the passage of Bylaw 1636-23 (Municipal Borrowing Bylaw)
That Council for the Town of Pincher Creek receive the information regarding a
sufficient petition received to prevent the passage of Municipal Borrowing Bylaw 1636-23.
CARRIED 23-192

7.1                  Municipal Borrowing Bylaw 1636-23
That Council for the Town of Pincher Creek agree to rescind Municipal Borrowing Bylaw 1636-23’s first reading.
CARRIED 23-193

Updated March 24, 2023   

The below batch of questions were submitted to the Town of Pincher Creek for response. 

First and foremost, I would like to address the concern as to who will be answering these questions?  I want to be sure I will be receiving the correct information from the right people.

Answers below have been formulated by Town administration.
Is it true that last year it was voiced that building a new curling rink was not affordable to the town of Pincher Creek? What caused the sudden change within the last year?
 No. All Town Council Motions are available for review on the Town of Pincher Creek website here:  Please refer to the minutes section.
Motions from 2016 through 2022 were reviewed and there is no motion that references the above statement.

The curling club has stated over and over that they are self-sufficient. So why has this now become the towns/ taxpayer’s problem?  
The existing Curling Club building is near it’s end of life and will need to be demolished. The existing building is located on Town owned land. Building a new curling facility has been discussed by the Town for many years.
Why can't one of the buildings downtowns be used?  
The Town of Pincher Creek does not own a vacant building that could house a new facility of this size and specifications and meet the various legislated and building code requirements for this kind of facility.
For example, the Sobey’s building it has plenty of parking, good plumbing, electricity, sewage, and sturdy building are already there. I also believe that there are government grants available to do upgrades to an existing building.
Why was this not considered in more in depth?

From the March 13,  2017 Council Package

Sites considered have been:
-          MPF Facility site - existing location, east of the library, behind the swimming pool and on old pool site
-          Old Sobeys site
-          Ag Grounds
-          Golf Course Site

It was rumoured that a council member just wasn’t interested in using the building.  Is this true?  
Council decisions are made as a whole, individual Councillors do not direct administration, motions are voted on publicly at Council Meetings.  
At the September 13, 2021 Council meeting the following motion was passed:

“That Council for the Town of Pincher Creek accept the Pincher Creek Golf Course/Curling Club relocation Master Concept Plan as information and agree to designate the golf course site as the future site for the Golf/Curling Club.”

Elected Officials in attendance on Sept 13, 2021: Mayor D. Anderberg,  B. McGillivray,  L. Jackson, M. Barber
Elected Officials absence with regrets on Sept 13, 2021: S. Korbett, W. Elliott
What will happen to the old curling rink?

There is not a formal plan in place at this time.  The building has been identified as end of life and will be demolished in the future.

Who is responsible for paying for the demolition of it?
The Town of Pincher Creek.
Why does the town have to pay for the demolition if it's not a town building?
The Town of Pincher Creek owns the land and is therefor ultimately responsible for the building that is located on it.

Is the demolition of the old building included in the estimated $4 million?
Costs for building demolition have not been established.
Why was the final decision to put the new rink up at the Golf Club?

From the March 13,  2017 Council Package
Discussion regarding the replacement of the Pincher Creek Curling Rink has been ongoing since 2007. An AECOM study (2008/09) and a Krystal Engineering Study (2014) looked at the construction of the curling rink at the Multi-Purpose Facility site. Committees such as the Golf/Curling Expansion Committee, Multi-Purpose Facility Steering Committee and Facilities Planning Steering Committee have reviewed the options and various sites over the years. Sites considered have been:
-          MPF Facility site - existing location, east of the library, behind the swimming pool and on old pool site
-          Old Sobeys site
-          Ag Grounds
-          Golf Course Site
The Facilities Planning Steering Committee was appointed in 2014 to study and provide advice to the Town on the future development, renovation or expansion of sports, recreational and community and other Town owned facilities. Committee membership included 2 Town Councilors, 2 M.D. Councilors and 1 member from the Recreation Advisory Committee. In July 2015, the Committee invited representatives from the Golf Club and Curling Club to discuss a combined facility. In September 2015, the Committee recommended and Town Council approved that a consultant be secured to prepare a conceptual site plan and building costs for a combined curling rink and golf clubhouse facility. Gibbs Gage Architect was selected as the architect and they had their first meeting with the Facility Committee and stakeholder groups in February 2016 to discuss the "needs and desires" of each group. Over the summer and fall, the expanded group has been meeting to review the draft site plan, space requirements and conceptual design plans which would integrate curling and golf into one clubhouse with a common entrance to connect with the bowling, squash and the weight room activities.
Since the initial discussions to combine the curling and golf clubhouse, there has been a change in the representation from the Golf Club. Currently they are not as favorable to the concept as were the initial representatives, and alternate sites have been discussed at the past two meetings i.e. old swimming pool, current curling rink site etc. Another thought was to locate the new building to the north of the bowling alley, rather than to the south as per the Gibbs Gage concept. The square footage required for the new facility could vary based on the location, servicing, integration with other facilities or a standalone facility.
To advance the work of the Facilities Planning Steering Committee and to bring discussions to a conclusion, a motion was put forward at their February 2, 2017 meeting to recommend to Council that the golf course site be selected as the location for a future curling rink. It should be noted that this motion was made by and voted on by the larger group which included golf and curling club representatives as well as the appointed Facilities Planning Steering Committee members.
This Committee recommendation was brought forward to the February 13, 2017 Council meeting for decision. A citizen delegation attending this meeting expressed concern about this location for a curling rink and the process for public consultation and decision making. In addition, it was noted that the Gibbs Gage Final Report was not completed to date.
Council passed a resolution to postpone the Curling Club Location Designation to the March 13, 2017 regular meeting of Council with a review of the Gibbs Gage report. Arrangements have been made to present the report to this Council meeting. The Facilities Planning Steering Committee and stakeholder groups have been invited to attend to hear the presentation as well.

Addition documentation is available for public review here: (starts at page 17)
Has the new spot been approved?  Has the Land been approved to hold a new building of that size?  Who approved it?
At the September 13, 2021 Council meeting the following motion was passed:

“That Council for the Town of Pincher Creek accept the Pincher Creek Golf Course/Curling Club relocation Master Concept Plan as information and agree to designate the golf course site as the future site for the Golf/Curling Club.”

Elected Officials in attendance on Sept 13, 2021: Mayor D. Anderberg,  B. McGillivray,  L. Jackson, M. Barber
Elected Officials absence with regrets on Sept 13, 2021: S. Korbett, W. Elliott
A development permit will be applied for, the regular development process will be adhered to and an application submitted to the MDSA (Municipal Subdivision Authority) for review.
It is rumored that the Crestview Lodge has water leakage problems due to the area it is built on. Has this been considered before building another building there?
Yes, a geotechnical assessment would be included in the scope of the design build process and would be used to inform the specifications when building.
Do you think this will take away from the downtown businesses and atmosphere?
No answer is available to this question due to it being subjective.
If this has been in the works for the past 15 years how come, there wasn't more money saved up for this?
Budgets are approved by Council annually and can be reviewed on the Town website here:

Has the curling rink been saving up money?  If so, how much do they plan on contributing? How will that work if it is now owned by the town?
Please direct the financial contribution question to the Curling Club.   A user agreement would be developed for the Curling Club.  Some examples of agreements that exists within the community would be; Pincher Creek Minor Hockey (Pincher Creek MCC Arena), Pincher Creek Allied Arts Council (Lebel Mansion).  These agreements outline responsibilities of each party, access, usage, bookings etc. 
Is there grant money available from the government?  Or anywhere else? If so from where and how much? 

At the February 13th Council Meeting the following motion was passed:
“The Town of Pincher Creek provide formal approval to apply for the Green and Inclusive Building grant for new construction of a community curling rink.”
Additional grant opportunities will continue to be explored.
How much money does the town have set aside to contribute?
A borrowing bylaw would need to be passed for the funds to be available for this project.  
Will you be asking the MD for money? If so, why are the residents of the MD not allowed to sign the petition? A lot of MD residents owned businesses within the town. As well as use facilities within the community.
Conversations have started with the MD of Pincher Creek in regards to funding but a formal agreement has not yet been reached in writing and no formal commitment of funds have been received. 
As per section 222 of the Municipal Government Act (MGA) Only the electors of the municipality are eligible to be petitioners. This is a Town Borrowing Bylaw, and a petition would be in relation to this bylaw only.
Where did the estimated budget of four million come from?
A request for proposals was posted in October 2022 for a Design Build. 
Is there a detailed outline of how the funds will be spent?
No, the proposed project is a design build. 
Do you have a contractor in line? If so, who?
The Town of Pincher Creek uses a variety of methods for procurement including Request for Proposals, Request for Quotations, Tenders etc. Projects meeting certain thresholds outlined by the Canadian Free Trade Agreement and New West Partnership Trade Agreement will have notices published on the Alberta Purchasing Connection.

Proposals that were submitted from the request for proposals process have been reviewed however a contractor has not been awarded.  

How long do you think this project will take?
Timelines have not been confirmed.
Has the existing business: bowling alley, gym and Golf Club been given any say in this recently? Will it affect their businesses financially? This question should be directed to the previously noted organizations.
Will the existing facility be able to keep up with the demands of the new curling rink?
If you are referring to the existing Community Recreation Centre (CRC) a building condition assessment is in process. The report is anticipated to be available to Council in the second quarter of 2023.
Will there be updates on the existing building* as well for it to meet the new demands? If so, does this fall into the $4 million budget? 
*an assumption was made with responding to this question that the existing building refers to the CRC 
Please see the above response. The regular annual maintenance budget is approved for the 2023 fiscal year.
Will the Kitchen pass a food safety inspection? The plumbing is outdated and has had some major leaking problems, have these concerns been addressed.
Who will pay for these upgrades?

Please see above response, a building condition assessment is in process.
Will the town be able to keep up with the demands of the new building? Day to day as well as long term maintenance?
 The Town endeavours to maintain all buildings owned by the Town of Pincher Creek. 
Have the operation costs been considered once the building is up and running?  This will be much different than the old building Who will be paying for that. Town owned buildings are typically maintained through the annual operating budget.  Revenue for the operating budgets come from: rentals, leases, property taxes, grants, franchise fees etc.
More information on operating and capital budgets are available on the Town website here:
Is it possible that this project will go above and beyond the estimated $4 million?  There is usually always unforeseen costs, is that something the town is prepared for?
A contingency is typically built into all project costs at the Town of Pincher Creek.
What will be the tax increase on the amount of money that will be borrowed? Is this something that will be made public before the project starts?
21Mar23- This information is not available at this time.
What does the long-term funding look like? how long is it going to take to pay this back? and with how much interest?

21Mar23- This information is not available at this time.
How did this project get pushed through without well informed information regarding these questions?

Town Council meetings are open to the public.  Agendas and minutes are publicly available on the Town of Pincher Creek website and in person from the Town Office.


Frequently Asked Questions:
Updated: March 21, 2023

What is the Pincher Creek Community Recreation and Events Centre?
This is the new name for the project that was previously called the Curling Rink Project.   This building has been identified as a multi-use, multi-seasonal recreation, and events centre.

What activities are planned to take place in the Pincher Creek Community Recreation and Events Centre?
Curling, events and potentially climbing/bouldering wall.  Events may include trade shows, banquets, group gatherings etc.

What is the estimated building cost for this project?
21Mar23- This information is not available at this time, stay tuned for updates. 

Are there any partners who have committed to contributing financially to the cost of building?
The Green and Inclusive Building Grant has been applied for; this is a federal grant. Conversations have started with the MD of Pincher Creek in regards to funding but a formal agreement has not yet been reached in writing and no formal commitment of funds have been received. 

Who owns the land that the current curling rink is located on?
The property that the current rink (837 Main Street) is sitting on is owned by the Town of Pincher Creek.

Who owns the current curling rink building?
The current curling rink building (837 Main Street) is owned and operated by the Pincher Creek Curling Club.

Is there a plan for the current Curling Rink Building?
There is not a formal plan in place at this time.  The building has been identified as end of life and will be demolished in the future.

What will be built in the space the current curling rink is in on Main Street once the building is demolished?
There is not a formal plan in place for that space at this time.

How does taking on this debt ($4 million borrowing bylaw) impact the Town’s financial situation?
21Mar23- This information is not available at this time, stay tuned for updates. 

What are the implications for the Town of Pincher Creek property tax payers on this facility build?
21Mar23- This information is not available at this time, stay tuned for updates. 

Does the town pay for the current curling rinks water usage?
Yes, the water and waste water costs are subsidized by the Town.

In the designs I saw the new parking lot takes up some of the existing golf course, where is Hole Number 7 going to go?
There is not a confirmed or approved design at this time.

At the February 13, 2023 Council Meeting the following four motions were passed:

“That Council for the Town of Pincher approve the proposal to construct a new Town owned curling rink facility on the land described as Plan 3880BD, Block 1 and Plan 3562GP, Block E, Roll # 0440000 as discussed.”

“That Council for the Town of Pincher Creek direct administration to amend the 2023 Capital Budget Plan to include an additional $2,750,000 for the curling rink facility project to be funded through long term financing.”

“That Council for the Town of Pincher Creek direct administration to prepare a Borrowing Bylaw for $4,000,000 to be brought back to the February 27, 2023 Council meeting.”
“The Town of Pincher Creek provide formal approval to apply for the Green and Inclusive Building grant for new construction of a community curling rink.”

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the location in the first motion:
942 Hyde Street, the golf course/bowling alley

What are the next steps:
Feb 27, 6 p.m.  – a Borrowing Bylaw will be brought to the Council meeting for review, residents can view the bylaw in the Council package (see Feb 27 date)

End of February – administration will proceed with submitting the Green and Inclusive Building Grant application

Mar 8 – advertising for the Borrowing Bylaw is anticipated to begin

Mar 27, 6 p.m. – it is anticipated that the Borrowing Bylaw will be brought back to this Council meeting

Who was in favor of the first motion:
There was a formal request for a recorded vote on the first motion, so we are able to share that:
Councillor Barber, Councillor Cleland, Councillor Oliver & Mayor Anderberg voted in favor
Councillor Green, Councillor Nodge & Councillor Wright voted against the motion

How can residents share their support or concerns:
·        Speak to your elected Council members
·        Submit a letter in writing to Council, or 962 St. John Ave
·        Request to speak to Council at a meeting
                     o   Deadline to speak at Feb 27 meeting is Feb 22 
                     o   Deadline to speak at the March 13 meeting is Mar 8



Town of Pincher Creek

962 St. John Avenue, Pincher Creek, AB