Stage 2 Water Restriction

July 25, 2023

Pincher Creek Enacts Stage 2 Water Restriction
Pincher Creek, AB – Effective July 26, 2023, the Town of Pincher Creek has enacted a Stage 2 Water Restriction under Water Utility Bylaw #1631-22.

According to Alexa Levair, Director of Operations & Infrastructure “This step has been taken due to the extremely low flow rates in both the Castle River and Pincher Creek. With the on-going heat wave and no forecasted precipitation, the Town is taking preventive measures to ensure the continuation of water supply for the Town.”

River flows are being monitored daily and further restrictions may be enacted.

Under a Stage 2 Water Restriction, the following water related activities are prohibited or restricted:

More information on water restrictions can be found in Schedule “C” of the Water Utility Bylaw #1631-22 at
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For more information contact:
Alexa Levair
Director of Operations & Infrastructure

PDF of release


Question: Why do we need a water restriction? 
Answer: The Town sources its water from both the Pincher Creek and Castle River. Both are running at extremely low flow rates (drastically outside of historical averages) which is causing difficulties in keeping up with demand. The Town has a raw water storage reservoir which provides some protection from fluctuations, however, it is necessary to keep the raw water reservoir as full as possible to provide adequate drinking water and fire flow protections to the Town. 

Question: Who’s enforcing this declaration?
Answer: The CAO and Director of Operations & Infrastructure have the authority to issue tickets and fines under the Water Utility Bylaw #1631-22. The fine for contravening a Stage 2 Water Restriction is $600.

Question: What happens if the Town can't meet the water demands as water levels drop?
Answer: The Town is monitoring water levels daily. If there are concerns with ability to keep up with demands, further water restrictions will be implemented. The Town has emergency contingency plans that would be enacted. 
Question: Do Town Properties and the Golf Course have to follow the same rules?
Answer: Yes, both the golf course and Town irrigation systems will comply with the requirement to only irrigate 1 day/week. Town irrigation systems have been adjusted to run on Thursday mornings only. 
Question: Will the Spray Park continue to operate?
Answer: The Spray Park will continue to operate under the Stage 2 Water Restriction. It is worth noting that the Spray Park utilizes a recirculation treatment system, so not all water is lost to the drain.

Question: Does this apply to businesses as well?
Answer: The water restriction applies to all properties whether they are residential, business, industrial, or institutional. 

Question: Are there any indoor water restrictions?
Answer: No. 

Question: When can I water my lawn? 
Answer: You can water your lawn 1 day/week depending on the property's address. Even Numbers can only water on Wednesdays, Odd Numbers can only water on Thursdays. Watering may only occur between 6:00am - 10:00am and/or 7:00pm - 11:00pm. 

Question: Can I still water my trees, shrubs, flowers, and vegetables?
Answer: Hand watering of trees, shrubs, flowers, and vegetables is still permitted. 

Question: Does this affect the M.D. Water Stand Pipe?
Answer: The M.D. Water Stand Pipe located on Pronghorn Avenue will have no changes to its operation. 

Question: Will my water bill be adjusted because of the restriction? 
Answer: Set meter fees will not change as a result of the restriction. Since the restriction is expected to result in less water usage due less frequent watering, users may see their usage charges reduced because of less water being used. 

Question: How else can I conserve water? 
Answer: Great question! Residents can help reduce the amount of water they use by:

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Town of Pincher Creek

962 St. John Avenue, Pincher Creek, AB